Tips for Understanding Black History Month- 2023 Edition

It’s that time of year again, Black History Month. This was my post for last year, when too many white folks were up in arms about critical race theory–that thing they know absolutely nothing about. Since then, it’s only gotten worse, with actual African American Studies and history under siege from the forces of Mordor. So I figured, why change the theme from last year, since we’re still stuck in the same place. Enjoy the repeat.

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Black Hobbits, Dwarves, Mermaids and Fanboy Tears

From the moment I saw a poster of a Black Dwarf lady for the new Amazon Prime series Rings of Power, I made the prediction that come late summer and into the early Fall, I’d be living off fanboy tears and lembas bread. Turns out, ain’t enough lembas bread at Costco to go with the fountain of white tears shed over Black dwarves, hobbits, mermaids and other fictional characters. It’s been a flood. And frankly, for some of you, I’m just plain embarrassed.

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There and Back Again

A return to blogging…

He drew a deep breath. Well, I’m back he said.

Hi everyone. Been a long time since I blogged. But, I think I may be ready to return. Perhaps for real this time. A lot has happened since I last posted in February. I finished and submitted the first book in my upcoming MG series which was announced back last April. My novel A Master of Djinn was nominated for several awards, and won both a Nebula, Locus, and Ignyte award. My short story “If the Martians Have Magic” published in Uncanny Magazine, has also been nominated and won an Ignyte award. I attended a few cons, including one where I got to be a guest of honor for winning the Compton Crook. Lots has happened in genre too. We got tons of new fantasy and sci-fi books, movies and shows–a golden era of geekdom. And we got some folks losing their natural minds and acting a damn fool over Black Hobbits or Black Mermaids. (Go outside and touch grass nerds.) What a time to be alive. I have missed however being on this blog, talking about writing, my favorite TV series, issues of diversity, politics and more in SFF.

So I’m gonna try to be here more. To talk bout stuff. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Wheel of Time on TV and a Chance at Diversity


With the buzz last month that the late Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time is moving forward at Sony Pictures, could we be looking at the most diverse fantasy story (so far) to make its way into popular media?

Maybe. Or maybe not.

As the dice tumble and wheel turns, let’s discuss right quick.

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