Who Am I?

In the beginning there was Eru Illuvatar, who brought the Ainur into being, and through their song all into existence. Somehow, millennia later, I, along with much of the swarthier side of Arda, ended up on the wrong side of a spat about mystical jewelry. Disgruntled about the whole affair, I decided to start penning my own stories, that perhaps could tell new, diverse tales from differing perspectives. And naturally, like everyone does in this age, I started a blog…

P. Djeli Clark is an Afro-Caribbean-American writer of speculative fiction. Raised on genres of fantasy, sci fi, horror and the supernatural, I felt a need for more diverse tales with more diverse characters drawn from more diverse sources. To that end, I put pen to pad and fingers to keyboard, seeking to Imagine, Dream and Create new realms to explore. Gathered here are my thoughts and glimpses into some of these worlds my writing reflects.

You can find me here or on my more respectable author website: pdjeliclark.com.
I also spend way too much time on twitter at @pdjeliclark.

32 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. And there are listeners. Often, I don’t know what remark to make and I guess in an endeavor such as yours, ( or mine), a quiet “i hear you” will suffice. soooo….
    me are hear you

  2. Phenderson Djeli Clark I just read THE ‘N’ WORD THROUGH THE AGES: THE ‘MADNESS’ OF HP LOVECRAFT via Racialicious. I didn’t know either of you until today while reading “It’s OK to admit that H.P. Lovecraft was racist” by LAURA MILLER over at Salon.com. Your (and Laura’s) relentless focus on examining man vs. gift embraced complexity and truth unflinchingly. I was hoping to follow you on Twitter so ghat I could tweet your existence to my followers regularly but a search for your name there provided no results. Thanks to you and Laura for sharing the biographical details of one so literate and loathsome.

  3. Ms Clark, I read our piece re: Lovecraft’s racism on Racialicious, and wanted to point you towards a piece on his racism that I have published in Lovecraft Annual, on the construction of race in his poetry. If you would like, I am happy to forward either a copy of the piece in hardcopy, or as a computer file. As for its reception, I have had no criticism of it thus far, and I have had a small number of my fellow Lovecraftians comment favourably upon its iscussion of how Lovecraft encoded his racism into his poetry.

  4. I looked at your piece on Schuyler. You have missed everything, which is in my book __Gurdjieff< Toomer, and the Harlem Renaissance__. You are following the uninteresting academic exegesis which leaves out Schulyer's occultism. Also, I follow up on this with __Oragean Modernism__ which does not go into Schuyler but fills in the rest of his context. Jon.woodson@verizon.net

    Jon Woodson

  5. Hi, any interest in coming to a literary science fiction/fantasy convention in MA this July? We’d love to invite you as a panelist, I just can’t find an email address for you. Email me at emily@readercon.org if interested, and the convention site is: http://readercon.org/ Thanks!

  6. Pingback: Fantasy’s Othering Fetish, Part 1 | Media Diversified

  7. Pingback: Hidden Youth: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History | Phenderson Djèlí Clark

  8. Hello! I just read “A Dead Djinn in Cairo” and really enjoyed your Steampunk version of Egypt. Having lived in Cairo for some years, I was nodding happily along to all the bits of local colour, especially the mulukhiya! I assume you’ve spent time there yourself?

  9. Pingback: Review: A Dead Djinn in Cairo | Nessa's box of wonders

  10. Pingback: Should We Burn Ray Bradbury’s Books? | Powered by Robots

  11. I loved A Dead Djinn in Cairo. I have always been drawn to Middle Eastern themes (I was a professional bellydancer for years). Steampunk Cairo was amazing. Mainly, I’m an editor/proofreader, but I dabble in writing. You’ve motivated me to dust off some old story ideas. And to add you to my library 🙂

  12. I’m a budding writer who finds your work insanely inspiring! I was wondering if could get your e-mail address in order to could communicate further with you because i’m having difficulties in parts of my writing. I am looking for a mentor.

  13. Pingback: Blog all your dog-eared pages – Two Kinds of Intelligence

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